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It is not only the O&M manuals that are going digital. It is the user guides for apartments too. The requirements of companies such as Paradigm are increasingly to provide detailed bespoke manuals for each apartment.

Last updated on 31 January 2023

It is not only the O&M manuals that are going digital.  It is the user guides for apartments too.

The requirements of companies such as Paradigm are increasingly to provide detailed bespoke manuals for each apartment.

If you are doing 120 apartments in a block and you want each manual to be personalised with its individual address, accurately reflect the fixtures and fittings installed and contain the correct certificates – then it is important that an automated process is implemented.  We create individual templates for each major ‘class’ of apartment, and then stream in the details using a process not too dissimilar to a mail merge.

Not only does this give the user a high quality personalised guide which can be used as a ‘sales document’ if required, but it also gives the facilities manager a digital copy of the details of each apartment so they can be well prepared for any call out.

See an example User Guide

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