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End of Project Checklist

End of Project check list Having put together all the O&M information from all the subcontractors, there are several areas that need to be cross-checked, especially for the inclusion in the H&S file.

Last updated on 31 January 2023

Having put together all the O&M information from all the subcontractors, there are several areas that need to be cross-checked, especially for the inclusion in the H&S file.

  • Are there any last minute subcontractors that we might not have been told about
  • Were there any direct purchases by the main contractor, that the subcontractors might not have mentioned
  • Is the main contractor aware of any residual hazards that might have been omitted by subcontractors that we should include (example Residual hazards)
  • Are there any load bearing calculations (or similar) we should be getting?
  • Are there any end of project surveys eg drain surveys
  • Who is the architect and will they be providing
    • final As Built drawings or final construction drawings?
    • Planning permission and building regulation documentation
    • Do you know if the designers prepared any strategy documents that should be included in the H&S file eg Disabled access, fire strategy, cleaning strategy etc
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